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Super Charged Sleds for Snails!


Here at the Super Charged Sleds for Snails Knowledge Center we pride ourselves on knowing nearly "All Things Snails" related. In fact, our highly trained staff spend there free time learning all they can about snail life, habits and rituals and once a month all staff gather at the newly developed Snail Ranch were we all learn more about the inner snail in all of us. We compete in snail races, write about our past lives as snails in spoken word poetry, and retire for the night in our own individual snail shells made of a synthetic polyester/fiber blend.
Fun is truly had by all.

SCSfS Knowledge Center

SCSfS Knowledge Base
Questions Poster Responses
What is SCSfS??? Ron Erms Super Charged Sleds for Snails is a non-profit origination lending support to all the underprivileged snails around the globe. We provide this support in the form of motorized sleds.
How can I donate to such a wonderful cause? Blake Judge You can send donations to the address listed on the Contact Us page or by calling our operators at 1-FREE SNAILY or 1 (373) 376-2459
Are all Snails really as slow as people think or is it just a ruse by the snails themselves as a defensive mechanism? Tom Nicholas No a snails defensive mechanism is not deception, they are that slow. In fact, before the invention of our wonderful products snails would sometimes hitch rides from turtles and be the envy of all other snails.
Where can I buy Free Snaily Merchandise at? Mick Stoller Currently we have products available online that you can review to place your order.
We are working on securing our website and preparing it to allow direct purchases online
however, at this time you can make purchases by calling us at 1-FREE SNAILY or 1 (373) 376-2459 and speaking with one of our representatives.
How old do snails have to be to use your products? Gorden Stroker Currently there are no laws prohibiting any age snail from operating one of our sleds however, a good rule of thumb is to make sure they can see over the handlebars.